Tanfield Group plc
("Tanfield", the "Company" or the "Group")
Directorate Change
The Directors today announce with immediate effect the appointment of Daryn Ashley Robinson as a Non-Executive Director of Tanfield Group Plc.
Daryn has been Company Secretary since April 2014 and has a thorough knowledge of the business, dealing with the day to day issues of the Company.
Daryn is 38 years old and previously held the post of Group Financial Controller of Tanfield from October 2002 until March 2008 during which time he was a key member of the senior management team, working closely with the Board in all areas of the business. Since then, he has been a director of Penshaw Consultancy Ltd where he has provided business support services to a number of companies, both privately owned and publicly listed. He is also a director of Tutum Group Limited.
Daryn owns 546,740 ordinary shares in Tanfield representing approximately 0.3% of the Company's issued share capital and holds options over a further 100,000 ordinary shares. There is no further information to be disclosed regarding Daryn deriving from Schedule 2 paragraph (g) or Rule 17 of the AIM Rules for Companies.
Jon Pither, Chairman of Tanfield commented:
"The Board would like to welcome Daryn to the Board and look forward to his ongoing contribution to the Company."
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For further information:
Tanfield Group Plc
Roy Stanley 0845 155 7755
WH Ireland Limited - Nominated Advisor
James Joyce / Nick Prowting 020 7220 1666
Peterhouse Corporate Finance - Broker
Peter Greensmith / Duncan Vasey 020 7220 9797